It Has Come!

The world trembles at your power! Go now! Show them all

Puppet Masters is a game where players choose from 27 Masters, powerful characters with differing amounts of health or magical prowess, each with special abilities encouraging a certain style of play. Then the players each pick up to two decks from the 18 different factions ranging from undead to angels to steampunk. Each of these decks has a focus on what it brings, for example the undead bring large amounts of cheap units to sacrifice for spells or block attacks, and players can try to craft a strategy with these decks. Then all chosen decks by all players are shuffled together into a single draw pile, from which the minions, Puppets, are drawn into the arena

 and either claimed to fight for the master or killed for a gold bounty.

The single draw pile is to guarantee all players have access to all things in the game. If there is something directly counter to your strategy in the game in play, you can either buy it up so your opponent can’t use it or destroy it before they get it. Players can attack each other, each other’s Puppets, or the Puppets in the arena. The replay value of this game is very high due to the massive amount of combinations in the game of Masters and Puppets, plus the different strategies of gaining many cheap puppets or getting just one or two very strong ones and giving them a lot of items, or anything in between.


It is a flexible game, addictive, easy to learn but hard to master and fits up to 4 players in free for all or 2v2 formats.


You can skip ahead in this video to see how it is played or listen to the sales pitch of why you should buy it!